A Personalized Approach to Your Health.

Thinking outside the conventional medical paradigm to help you find answers that others haven’t.

Our approach

We are a functional health clinic focused on helping people who struggle with chronic symptoms like Thyroid Hormone Imbalances, CIRS due to Mold Illness, Post Concussion Symptoms and Gut Health. Using a combination of diagnostic laboratory assessments and natural therapies, we help you investigate into the underlying root causes of your chronic health symptoms and teach you how to take control of your health.

Free 20 Min Initial Consultation

Struggling With…

  • Thyroid Hormone Imbalances

  • Post Concussion Symptoms

  • Chronic Mold Illness (CIRS)

  • Chronic Gut/G.I. Symptoms

Comprehensive Laboratory Testing.

Are you tired of getting generic treatment plans with no results?

What sets our clinic apart from others is that we offer personalized laboratory testing. Lab testing that is customized to YOUR individual needs. This is essential in the investigation of the underling root causes of your symptoms and are necessary to gauge your progress through the recovery program. Blood testing, comprehensive stool analysis and saliva testing are all tests we may recommend depending on your unique needs.

Detailed Physical Examinations.

A comprehensive physical exam can often reveal hidden health issues contributing to your chronic symptoms. A comprehensive evaluation of your motor, sensory, visual, neurological, and balance systems will be performed depending on your case. If applicable further exams will be recommended to evaluate for underlying, more serious health concerns. Imaging studies like X-rays or an MRI may be requested when necessary.