Common Thyroid Conditions and Their Symptoms

  1. Hypothyroidism: This is when your thyroid is underactive, producing too little thyroid hormone. You might feel constantly tired, gain weight easily, struggle with depression, have constipation, and feel unusually cold.

  2. Hyperthyroidism: Here, your thyroid is overactive and produces too much hormone. Symptoms can include unexpected weight loss, anxiety, irritability, a rapid heartbeat, and heat intolerance.

  3. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: An autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks your thyroid, often leading to hypothyroidism. Symptoms are similar to hypothyroidism, but you might also experience joint pain and swelling.

  4. Graves' Disease: Another autoimmune disorder, but in this case, your immune system makes your thyroid overactive, leading to hyperthyroidism. Besides hyperthyroidism symptoms, you might also notice bulging eyes and skin issues.

What most Endocrinologists fail to educate their patients on, is that around 90% of all Thyroid conditions are autoimmune in nature. This means, Thyroid medication may help balance your TSH and T4 levels but does little to manage the autoimmune condition. This often leads to years of fluctuating TSH levels and in turn fluctuations in your medication dosage. It also commonly leads to fluctuations in your symptoms as years progress. Only through a targeted and comprehensive functional medicine assessment can the autoimmune component of your Thyroid imbalances be addressed.

In functional medicine, we look at the whole person, not just the thyroid. We aim to uncover the root causes of thyroid dysfunction and address them with a personalized, holistic approach.

If you or a loved one is suffering from chronic Thyroid symptoms, be sure to schedule a free 20 min consultation with my office. Call/Text us at 512-399-4276 or email at