You deserve to be heard and receive the care you need.

A new paradigm of healthcare.

I hear too often from patients, after their first initial consultation with me, that they have never felt so heard when explaining their years of chronic health conditions. The problem with healthcare today is that insurance companies are reimbursing doctors less and less as time goes on. This means, for a medical business to be profitable, they must see a given number of patients per day. Less insurance reimbursements equates to less patient - doctor time. The unfortunate consequence of this business model is declining quality of patient care.

At our clinic we have a complete different business model that allows us to spend more 1:1 time with our patients, resulting in higher quality of care and higher success rate.

We all have unique genetic makeups, unique problems and unique needs. Only through a comprehensive and personalized healthcare program can an individual with chronic, multifactorial symptoms be understood and helped. We can help you find answers.

The free 20 min initial consultation is the perfect opportunity for us to meet and for you to share your story.

I look forward to chatting with you soon!

- Dr. Ernesto

Our rates

Initial Consult

Online or in-person, however, we prefer to meet you in person whenever possible. We will use this time to get to know you and your health journey. The initial consultation forms are a vital component of this visit. They will be emailed to you prior to your appointment.

20 mins | Free | Call/Text or Email to Schedule 512-399-4276

Comprehensive Initial Exam

This in-person exam will go over your medical history and previous lab test results relative to your case. Time will also be spent doing a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of your motor, sensory, visual, neurological, and balance systems. This is an extremely detailed exam. In fact, our patients always tell us they have never had such a detailed exam in their life.

90-120 mins | $525

Laboratory Testing

This is a crucial step in our treatment plan as it will allow us to investigate further and customize our treatment to you. Laboratory testing is case dependent. If you have recent lab work and it is extensive enough, we may not need to order more. Pricing of lab work is dependent on insurance coverage and type of testing. You will be given a price estimate prior to ordering any testing.

Report of Findings Visit

Remote or in-person, this session allows us to review all of your test results and exam findings in detail. Bring your spouse, parent or primary caregiver with you so that they too can understand what the next steps will be of your care plan.

45 mins | $375

Free 20 min Consultation.

All first time patients are entitled to a FREE 20 min initial consultation to find out if we are a good fit for each other.

Call/Text or Email our office to schedule your 20 min Consultation.

Call/Text: 512-399-4276

Book Your Free 20 Min Consult Today.