Patient Testimonials

“Came across Dr. Ernesto Medina after researching for practitioner specializing in neurological health for my daughter. He was able to pinpoint the issue to be about an inflammatory response caused by a genetic expression as well as mold being an issue.

Dr. Medina is like no other doctor, he afforded us so much time during the initial consultation and we learned SO much during the session, our little notebooks were filled with new information and data points that previous doctors just generalized a treatment, one size fits all so to speak.

Finally we feel like we have a working theory as to what is going on with some health issues happening in our family, and Dr. Medina's approach is so appreciated as it is personalized, and backed by specific testing rather than just throwing the kitchen sink at something hoping something will work. This focused approach is helping us find the true root cause going on. Highly recommend Dr. Medina, great ally to have on your team when you need real answers..”

— E. Sexton

Patient Testimonial Videos