Meet The Doctor

Dr. Ernesto Medina, DC

Dr. Ernesto Medina, DC has been in clinical practice for over a decade and has helped hundreds of people regain their health. He was the former founder of the Bay Area Health and Wellness Center in San Jose, CA, a Functional Nutrition and Neurology based health center focused on helping people with chronic unresolved health struggles that conventional medicine has been unable to help. In 2021 he moved to Austin where he has opened a practice to continue helping people struggling with chronic health issues.

He is currently a member of the Kharrazian Institute where he continues to stay up to date with the latest research and clinical applications in functional medicine and clinical neuroscience to better serve his patients.

Dr. Medina’s biggest hobbies include training and teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training in Crossfit and going out salsa dancing with his wife. He also has two small energetic dogs at home who love to be walked and cuddled.


– Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West 2012

– B.A. in Psychology from University of California San Diego 2009

Post Graduate Training:

Functional Neurology Seminars:

  • Anatomy and Central Neurological Pathways

  • Peripheral Vestibular Disorders and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications

  • Central Vestibular and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications

  • Neurology Eye Movements for Diagnosis and Treatment Applications

  • Basal Ganglia and Hypokinetic Disorders with Applications

Apex Functional Medicine Seminars

  • Mastering the Thyroid

  • Mastering Brain Chemistry

  • Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry

  • Functional Endocrinology

Kharrazian Institute: Comprehensive Functional Medicine Training

  • Neuroinflammation Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Autoimmunity Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Diabetes and Dysglycemia Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Infertility, Prenatal Care, Maternal Health Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Cognitive Decline & Dementia Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Chronic Fatigue & Pain Syndromes Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Childhood Developmental Disorders Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Cardiovascular & Neurovascular Clinical Strategies and Clinical Applications

  • Mood and Anxiety Disorders Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Chronic Infections Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

  • Hormone Imbalances Throughout the Lifespan – Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications