Persistent Concussion Symptoms. When To Seek Out A Functional Approach.

Understanding Post-Concussion Syndrome

Hello, I'm Dr. Ernesto Medina, and I want to talk to you about a condition that’s often misunderstood and can be incredibly frustrating for those who suffer from it—Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS). As a functional medicine practitioner, I’ve seen firsthand how debilitating PCS can be and how traditional treatments sometimes fall short due to lack of diagnostic testing and concussion assessments. Today, I’m here to shed some light on how functional medicine offers a holistic approach that can help those struggling with PCS find relief and get back to living their lives.

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

Post-Concussion Syndrome is a complex condition where the symptoms of a concussion persist for months or even years after the initial injury. These symptoms can include:

  • Headaches: Persistent and often severe.

  • Dizziness and balance problems: Feeling unsteady or experiencing vertigo.

  • Cognitive difficulties: Issues with memory, concentration, and processing information.

  • Mood changes: Increased irritability, anxiety, and depression.

  • Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restful sleep.

  • Sensory sensitivities: Heightened sensitivity to light and noise and even touch.

  • Motor movement difficulties: Stiffness, rigidity and even tremors.

Living with PCS can be incredibly challenging. Imagine trying to go about your daily routine while feeling constantly off-balance, mentally foggy, and emotionally drained. It's no wonder that those suffering from PCS often feel like they’re not themselves anymore.

The Shortcomings of Traditional Treatments

In traditional medicine, treatment for PCS typically focuses on managing individual symptoms. For instance, you might be prescribed painkillers for headaches, sleeping pills for insomnia, or antidepressants for mood issues. While these treatments can offer temporary relief, they often don’t address the root causes of PCS and can leave patients feeling stuck in a cycle of symptom management.

The Functional Approach

The functional approach takes a different route. Instead of just treating symptoms, we look at the whole person and aim to identify and address the underlying causes of their health issues. This holistic approach can be particularly beneficial for PCS, which involves a complex interplay of different systems in the body.

Comprehensive Examination and Diagnostic Testing

One of the key aspects of a functional evaluation is thorough a comprehensive examination and diagnostic testing. To get to the root of your PCS symptoms, we must consider all of the possible systems at play that can be causing your persistent symptoms. Based on the latest concussion research, we know the following physiological systems can become dysfunctional and must be evaluated:

1.     Autonomic Dysregulation & Physiological Blood Flow

2.     Metabolic, Inflammatory and Hormonal Imbalances

3.     Visual and/or Vestibular Dysfunction

4.     Cervical Spine Dysfunction

5.     Psychological Stress

6.     Blood Brain Barrier Disruption

7.     Break Down of the Intestinal Barrier System (leaky gut)

Common diagnostic testing that would be part of a thorough PCS evaluation are:

  • Neurological testing: balance assessments, coordinated motor movements, visual and vestibular testing all done in the office.

  • Blood tests: To check for inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, blood brain barrier breakdown, and hormonal imbalances.

  • Gut health assessments: Because gut health can significantly impact brain health, and a brain injury can trigger leaky gut, evaluating your gut function is crucial.

These tests help us understand the specific imbalances and deficiencies that might be contributing to your PCS symptoms.

The Importance of Nutrition

What you eat can have a profound impact on your brain’s ability to heal. In functional medicine, we often start with nutrition to support recovery. Some key dietary strategies include:

  • Anti-inflammatory diet: Consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins while avoiding processed foods, sugar, and alcohol can reduce inflammation and support brain health.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in fish oil, these essential fats help reduce inflammation and support brain function.

  • Antioxidants: Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and leafy greens, help protect your brain from further damage.

Balancing Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can play a significant role in PCS symptoms, especially mood changes and sleep disturbances. We often assess your hormonal levels and recommend treatments to balance them naturally. This might include:

  • Adrenal support: Managing stress with adaptogenic herbs, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes.

  • Thyroid function: Ensuring your thyroid is functioning optimally through dietary changes and supplementation.

The Gut-Brain Connection

The gut-brain axis is a powerful communication network, and imbalances in gut health can significantly impact brain function. We might recommend:

  • Probiotics and prebiotics: To support a healthy gut microbiome.

  • Elimination diets: To identify and remove foods that may be causing inflammation.

  • Vagal Nerve rehab: proper function and tone of the Vagus Nerve is essential to a proper functioning Gut-Brain Axis.

Lifestyle and Mind-Body Practices

Functional medicine emphasizes the importance of lifestyle factors in healing. This includes:

  • Sleep hygiene: Establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a restful environment.

  • Stress management: Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can reduce stress and promote healing.

  • Physical activity: Gradually reintroducing exercise sooner than later, and tailored to your tolerance, symptom threshold and recovery stage.

Cervical Spine Rehabilitation

A concussion injury is almost always accompanied by a whiplash injury to the neck. Persistent concussion symptoms and whiplash injuries have very similar, overlapping symptoms. Treatment and rehabilitation of the cervical spine may be pivotal to concussion recovery in certain cases.  

Personalized Care

One of the greatest strengths of functional medicine is its focus on individualized care. No two patients are the same, and your experience with PCS is unique. That’s why we create personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs and health history.

Post-Concussion Syndrome can feel like a never-ending battle, but there is hope. Functional medicine offers a holistic, personalized approach that addresses the root causes of your symptoms and promotes long-term healing. If you’re tired of feeling stuck and are looking for a new way forward, consider exploring functional medicine. It’s a path that looks at the whole picture and aims to heal from the inside out, offering hope and a way forward for those grappling with PCS.

If you or someone you know is struggling with PCS, I encourage you to reach out and learn more about how functional medicine can help. Together, we can work towards a healthier, happier you.

Stay Healthy My Friends,

Dr. Ernesto Medina


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